About Arlana


Arlana has a natural gift for encouraging others. She has spent decades providing spiritual direction and soul care to thousands of individuals from numerous demographic and socioeconomic backgrounds, religious beliefs, and cultures.

Arlana can facilitate sessions including one on one personal encounters, small to large groups, and retreats. She has utilized her master's degree in theology to mentor individuals to understand the word of the Lord. Through her many years leading prison ministry and juvenile detention ministry, Arlana has assisted hundreds of people with their personal spiritual direction and formation. Arlana provides soul care to each individual she encountered.

Arlana has also spent many years providing soul care and spiritual direction as a Hospice Chaplain. Assisting patients and their families find peace and harmony. She has served as a certified speaker for women's ministry and has lead women's retreats.

Wherever you come from, Arlana can help guide you on your path to find your authentic self.

The Ruby Red Slippers Way…


The Ruby Red Slippers Way was founded on the belief that we are each on a path somewhere. We learn things along our path that are informative in the directions we choose to take. The Ruby Red Slippers Way helps one look at this movement and helps to discern God’s guidance and direction along the path to make a comfortable home for oneself. Home is a safe place within which to spend time with God and hear his promptings. Throughout history, God has directed His people and continues to do so today. Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross are a few examples of God's people providing spiritual direction and soul care to others.

Spiritual direction and soul care will help you find your way home.

“There’s no place like home”

Why Soul Care Matters…


Soul care is both an ancient practice and a modern-day necessity. The care of the souls was central to the mission and purpose of God’s people. Pastoral care is the often-used terminology for soul care. Caring for the soul matters because soul neglect happens, soul deprivation is real, and caring for the soul is of vital importance to leading a well-balanced and fruitful life. More soul care is needed now than in times past. Take the time and make the time for soul care and soul prayer.


The soul, though at all times hidden, is at all times revealed, expressing itself through everything we say and do. Through the ordinary brush strokes of everyday life, a portrait of our soul is being painted.

— Ken Gire, Windows of the Soul